With a passion for unlocking the potential, performance and impact to enable brighter futures for Aotearoa, the impactFULLco ambition was born. Our mission is to inspire organisations to contribute 1% of profits, enabling a thriving Aotearoa. It's not only a noble gesture, but a smart business strategy. At impactFULLco, working together with for-profit and for-purpose organisations, we help enable purposeful leadership, impactful and thriving teams, authentic and value generating relationships, executed and measured for excellence. We believe in for-profit, for-purpose, for 1%.
For 1%
Globally pledging just 1%*, 94% of the respondents reported that taking the pledge enhanced their company culture, 87% said that it improved their brand reputation, and 79% said that it helped them attract and retain talent. Moreover, 72% of the respondents said that taking the pledge increased their customer loyalty, 69% said that it improved their customer satisfaction, and 63% said that it increased their net promoter score (NPS). With just 1%, we can create a positive impact on communities and the world, while also enhancing our organisations brand reputation, employee engagement, and customer loyalty.
impactFULLco Philosophy
Our world and the part that organisations play in it, has changed. With environmental, social and governance considerations moving center-stage, today’s organisations need to recognise, measure and report on business performance beyond the purely financial. ESG ratings and B4SI reporting are now mainstream and stakeholders are increasingly using these assessments for existing and future investments. Increasingly, purposeful leadership, demonstrable authentic and meaningful relationships are delivering improved bottom lines, joint value creation and brighter futures for the Aotearoa. impactFULLco is here to help for-profit and for-purpose, organisations, leaders and teams curate, co-design for joint value creation, execute and measure performance and impact for the greater good.



impactFULLco Services

For-Profit Impact
Purposeful Impact
Social Good Strategic Build
Integration Excellence
B4SI & Impact Measurement

For-Purpose Performance
Purposeful Direction
Strategic Build & Relationships
Partnership Excellence
Value Creation Measurement
Coaching To Achieve Potential
Leading With Purpose & Character
Compelling & Curating Change
Knowing, Being, Doing
Organisational Hauora & Excellence
Kia ora, ko Aisha Daji Punga
Your collaborator, co-designer, consultant and coach

I have a personal passion to unlock the potential of Aotearoa and those near and dear to me. With more than 20 years experience in blue chip global FMCG, Telecommunications as well as iconic New Zealand charities, I can help translate both the charitable and corporate languages. With a high performance and high impact approach, I help leaders achieve the change they want to see in the world. Previously the Chief Executive for the Starship Foundation, I have held senior corporate executive positions in Country Management, Marketing, Sales and Logistics, Future Ventures and Innovation. I have experience in board governance, and with start-ups spanning the US, Australia, and New Zealand. I am a proud Te Kaa graduate, on a te reo and te ao Māori journey, a senior certified professional coach and in 2014 I was recognised as NZ’s Marketer of the year. I’m a enthusiastic hockey mum of a wonderful multi cultural family with my partner Damian. Together we have four awesome children, Armani, Milan, Alix and Finley – with a mix of Indian, Cook Island, Irish and Spanish heritage.
I look forward to embarking on a transformational journey for you and your organisations. Ngā mihi nui Aisha